Our last post was written on May last year. I can’t believe how much has happend and changed since then. It has been a year full of work, volunteers, family visits,  big big challenges, good news, some not so good news and announcements , and a lot of wondering about how parenthood would be in a farm.

We got pregnant on June 2018 and once we realized it, we were full time busy getting ready to welcome our baby girl Cécile into this world and more specifically in the farm
We managed to improve several little things and get ready before she arrived (at least it what we thought but you are never really ready to all the changes it takes to become a parent!)

There is now an irrigation system in the orchard which has facilitated so much the day-a-day tasks. Alfredo was working like an ant to achieve this before Cécile was born. So it will guarantee we could have all year round an area under shade  with water,  where we can grow green vegetables, specially during the months of heat and long hours of sun exposure.

My pregancy was an unique experience (as all pregnancies jeje) spending most part of my time in Tungasuk (except when I was doing all the medical checkups required by the maternity and Infant program in Cuba). I was lucky that I could stay active and felt very well until labor day!

Cécile was born very healthy on Saturday 9th february 2019.
We had to stay a few days in Havana for recovery but she finally made it to her farm 2 weeks later.

This a hole new chapter @fincatungasuk which we are very excited to be part of it with her. We will give her our best and as much love as possible surrounded by all this nature that makes this place so special. And now double special with her presence.

La cubanita or la tungasukita as we like to call her is now one of our biggest reasons to keep going in the farm!  So we hope you join us for a day to volunteer, have a food tasting menu or a cooking class!


Para los que nos conocen pues ya saben que desde la segunda mitad del 2018 emprendimos la aventura de esperar y acompañar en este mundo a Cécile, que finalmente llegó a nuestras vidas el 9 de febrero del 2019.

Así que si nos hemos perdido, no hemos estado muy en comunicación con ustedes; es porque hemos estado navegando los mares de la maternidad y paternidad desde la finca.

No paramos ni un minuto pese a las dificultades que ha conllevado este año con respecto a algunas limitaciones en la isla. Y, ahora más que nunca, estamos con mucho impulso en seguir trabajando con todo el equipo de la finca por que este pedacito de tierra sea un lugar donde la tungasukita o la cubanita (como solemos llamarle) pueda crecer rodeada de naturaleza, y donde pueda aprender a cuidarla y agradecerle las bondades que nos da en cada estación. Así que esperamos puedan venir y unirse a ella en este aprendizaje!